Breakfast Chat session focusses on planning budgets and overall financial wellbeing
The last Breakfast Chats session for 2024, focussed on financial planning for women. It has hosted by Muna Al Gurg, ESAG Vice-Chairperson and Director of Retail, at the ECIG office. Muna began the introductory talk by sharing her journey regarding the importance of managing finances. She focussed on the fact that there is no shortcut to double your money. This requires careful planning, research, and execution.
The speaker of the session, Jane Harvey-Co Founder & CEO of FSW (Financially Savii Women) provided insights on: the importance of financial wellbeing and having emergency funds; planning & saving for retirement; managing expenses; investment and debt management; how to cope up from financial shocks; investing for future as well as practical saving tips. The key message of the session was about planning your budget with 50/30/20 rule – Needs/Wants/Savings.
The Breakfast Chat concluded with an FAQ session where attendees’ queries related to investment, savings, risks were answered.